- Architecture Chicago Plus
- Blueprint Chicago
- Calendar of Chicago's "Architectural Events"
- Chicago Architectural Club
- Chicago Architecture Blog
- City of Chicago: Historic Preservation
- City of Chicago: Official Landmarks Listing
- Forgotten Chicago
- Landmarks Illinois
- Lee Bey: Beyond the Boat Tour
- Old Chicago in Vintage Postcards
- Open House Chicago
- Preservation Chicago
- Chicago before 1835 (extensive maps & bibliography)
- Chicago Growth (standardized maps): 1850-1990)
- Chicago History Museum: Research Center
- Chicago Public Library: Archival Collections
- Chicago Public Library: Digital Collections
- Digital Libraries at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago
- Encyclopedia of Chicago (Chicago History Museum)
- Googlebooks (advanced search--by keyword, date limits, etc.)
- Internet Archive Text Archive (tons and tons of scanned publications)
- Maps (University of Chicago), by geography, census data, etc.
- The Newberry Library Route maps for the 'L' (1892-present)
- Ryerson and Burnham Libraries (Art Institute of Chicago) Catalogue