ARC 2031: image collection for Islam

House of the Prophet (reconstruction)

The Ka’aba

The Dome of the Rock

The Dome of the Rock

The Dome of the Rock

The Dome of the Rock

Great Mosque, Damascus

Great Mosque, Damascus

Great Mosque, Damascus

Great Mosque, Damascus

Great Mosque, Samarra

Great Mosque, Samarra

Great Mosque, Samarra

Mosque of Ibn-Tulun, Fustat

Mosque of Ibn-Tulun, Fustat

Mosque of Ibn-Tulun, Fustat

Great Mosque, Djenne

Great Mosque, Djenne

Great Mosque, Djenne

Great Mosque, Cordoba

Great Mosque, Cordoba (phases of construction)

Great Mosque, Cordoba

Great Mosque, Cordoba

Great Mosque, Cordoba (prayer hall)

Great Mosque, Cordoba (mihrab)

Great Mosque, Cordoba (mihrab)

Great Mosque, Cordoba (detail, dome)

The Alhambra (The Court of the Lions at no. 15)

The Alhambra, plan of the Court of the Lions

The Alhambra, The Court of the Lions


The Alhambra, The Court of the Lions

The Alhambra, The Court of the Lions
