Discussion: Renaissance & Baroque (2019)

Discussion 2: Renaissance & Baroque Churches

The dominant patron in Italy through the Renaissance and Baroque periods was the Church. Consider a few great examples of each period:

  • the calm and powerful clarity of the Renaissance as seen at San Lorenzo (Florence) or San Andrea (Mantua) and
  • the dramatic and emotional energy of the Baroque as seen in San Andrea al Quirinale or S. Ivo della Sapienza (both Rome),

Name which of these four examples you think provides the most inspiring space for worship, and why. Note: responses should not exceed 50 words.


  1. Reply
    Jonathan Hiller January 28, 2019

    I would say, San Lorenzo Because it follows the more traditional basilica plan and this has been a staple shape for churches a covers many of the functionalities it needs. Also, it has a simple exterior that I connect with humility but the interior is beautiful.

  2. Reply
    Rachel Norgren January 31, 2019

    For me San Andrea al Quirinale provides the most inspiring place for worship. It is the lighting in this space that makes it so dramatic and inspiring. The lantern that lets down golden light to illuminate the oval shape space below creates a feeling of heaven above.

  3. Reply
    Shawn Bandel February 1, 2019

    I think that the most inspiring space for worship would be the S. Ivo della Sapienza in Rome. Looking at the interior space of this church is truly inspiring with its usage of natural light and similarly contrasting material usage. This space is truly awe-inspiring with its structural components leading the viewers eye to the dome.

  4. Reply
    Allyson Smith February 3, 2019

    San Andrea al Quirinale provides the most inspiring space for worship due to the illumination Bernini created throughout this smaller church. The light sources from above make it seem as if the heavens above are shining down on the sculptures and painting Bernini included in this magnificent building.

  5. Reply
    Robyn Lombard February 3, 2019

    San Andrea’s(Mantua)barreled vault creates a calm grace to the worship experience, it feels as if the building is rising to no end. The symmetry and perfect modules repeated throughout the building lead to the rose window at the end of the nave which seems to end in heaven itself.

  6. Reply
    Aiden Stevens February 3, 2019

    San Andrea at Mantua provides the most inspiring space for worship because its small size provides an intimate space for the worshipers that speaks through the architecture, painting and sculpture, telling a story of an early saint, making the church very unique.

  7. Reply
    Peter Grosshans February 3, 2019

    Baroque suits a worship space because they utilize curves and art to produce a dynamic quality to the interior space. Emotions are dynamic. Worship is intimate. This means the lowering of the dome, as well as a more intimate congregation space as seen in San Andrea al Quirinale.

  8. Reply
    Stephen Bishop February 3, 2019

    I preferred San Andrea Mantua, although it’s altar end seems like a gimic it encapsulates a sense of otherworldlyness that can spark one’s worship.

  9. Reply
    Timothy Gordon February 3, 2019

    I think that San Andrea al Quirinale is the most inspiring space for worship because it shows the contrast between Earth and Heaven and how Heaven is a Magnificent and Mystical place that we want to go to. so it shows us what we are worshiping for.

  10. Reply
    Hailey Provo February 3, 2019

    The dramatic and emotional energy of the Baroque seen in San Andrea al Quirinale provides the most inspiring space for worship. Because all of the details in this building are very dramatic, like the way the light enters the building. Even the materials uses are used to show the great sense of heaven. And lastly the paintings and art work are related to what people of that time were going through.

  11. Reply
    Matthew Thompson February 3, 2019

    I believe that San Lorenzo is the most inspiring space for worship. San Lorenzo has the grandeur that shows the magnitude and power of God as well as having the calmness and serenity that comes from the continues use of pietra serena throughout the Basillica.

  12. Reply
    Joseph Soetermans February 4, 2019

    I believe San Andrea al Quirinale provides the best space for worship. The theatrics with sculpture, painting, material choice, and light create an environment that demonstrates the drama of Heaven and life after death. Furthermore, the dynamics of the complex geometries create a more dramatic visual experience and worship practice.

  13. Reply
    Caleb Jones February 4, 2019

    The most inspiring place for worship to me was the cathedral of San Andrea which, because of its scale, creates a sense of awe that gives a newfound mindset for worship. It is humbling to see something like that all be glorifying to God and our relationship to it.

  14. Reply
    Dana Chew February 4, 2019

    Out of the four examples, I believe San Andrea al Quirinale creates the most inspiring and heavenly place for worship. Compared to the rest, it is high ornamental but also has a great amount of light. That light gives the appearance of heaven coming and shining down on those who enter. San Lorenzo and S. Ivo della Sapienza are more simple in design and ornament, and San Andrea appears too dark. San Andrea al Quirinale on the other hand creates a rich, intimate space of light and art which creates such an inspiring place for worship.

  15. Reply
    Nathanael David Madison February 4, 2019

    I think Sant’Ivo della Sapienza provides the most worshipful atmosphere. Each of the 4 churches have similar features, but I think what separates Sant’Ivo from the rest is its atmosphere. San Andrae in Mantua feels mysterious, and is so stunning in scale it would likely take your breath away. The other two are wildly extravagant, almost distractingly so. While they are all magnificent, the other three feel more like a place to experience rather than worship in.

  16. Reply
    Dallas Colburn February 4, 2019

    I believe S. Ivo della Sapienza provides the most inspiring place for worship. Borromini’s use of geometry in both the building itself, as well as the courtyard tie the entire area together bringing about a sense of awe among the people that view it, which is then transferred to worship.

  17. Reply
    Alex Karidas February 4, 2019

    I believe that San Andrea in Mantua provides the more inspiration in terms of worship. This building is truly grand in terms of its space. Between the massive arches and barrel vaults you get a sense of being apart of something significantly bigger than just yourself.

  18. Reply
    Matthew Hamon February 4, 2019

    The most inspiring place for worship I found to be San Andrea (Mantua). This is because of its large expanse of the barrel vault which runs all the way down the nave and goes to an opening which is showered by light seemingly from the heavens. I also enjoy the various paintings that line the walls and go into the coves. The vault makes me think of the heavens expanse when I look at it which is why I think it is the most inspiring space for worship.

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