Week Eight

Cumberland Park, Nashville


Architecture and (as?) Memory

We've spent two weeks studying main threads in the long history of architectural theory and aesthetic discernment. It's time to focus that on a more discreet subject: your own lived experience, as we engage with the concept of memory and draw together the learning objectives from the two previous weeks by applying them here in the form of your second exam; you will draw from even broader sources to take the next step in developing your "My Story" project.

The Week at a Glance

To successfully complete the eighth week of the semester in ARC 1015, follow these steps:

Before you proceed with this week, make sure to finish last week by:

  • writing (doing a mind-dump) in your personal journal for at least 15 minutes--distill the whole week into what seems most important to you
  • distilling what you wrote in your journal in the "Journaling" exercise for Week 07 on Blackboard

(1) Work through the narrative and activities that follow on this page, noting the following upcoming due dates.

  • Friday: "Architecture &. Memory" worksheet (find it on Blackboard: "Project 1, part 2")
  • Monday: Mind Map due (find assignment on Blackboard: "Project 1, part 3")
  • Tuesday: test 2 due between 8:00 AM and 3:30 PM
  • NOTE: assignments are always due at 11:11 AM on the specified date--unless you receive specific directions otherwise

(2) Read the current assignment in the Paul Goldberger book, Why Architecture Matters (chapter 5).

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this unit, you should be able to:

  • Evaluate architecture within particular aesthetic systems [APPLY].

Architecture and/as Memory

This week of class will be rather different since it allows you to take stock of your developments and reflections to date, rather than engaging in a lot of new content. Read parts of the following (as suggested); feel free to read more broadly/deeply as the articles pique your interest.

for Tuesday

on campus

Rachel, Melanie, Heidi, Sarah, Peyton, Emma, Honor, Anthony, Dylan, Harrison, Ryan P., Reggie, & Keily

Note: when you come to campus, please bring:

  • a table label with your name on it (a regular piece of paper folded longwise will work; you can be more creative, if you like), and
  • a wifi enabled device (ideally laptop or tablet) and earbuds/headphones
  1. (3:30) Metacognition
  2. (3:45) ePortfolio (James Pierce joining us)
    • As needed, review concepts in learning theory
    • Project: load your mind map PDF & text into the ePortfolio under a new project, "Mind Map (Oct. 2020)"
      • After reviewing other material from earlier in the course (e.g., the first week's texts from Martin Luther, Philibert de l'Orme, and/or others; possibly by making a word cloud of all of your reflective journals to date), expand the written element that you turned in with the original mind map. What is the "good" you identified in the center of the map? Where did that prevailing idea come from? How did the map develop? Having taken a "pause" from it, would. you do anything differently at this point? What do you think you might do in the next few weeks with these ideas?
      • This exercise is purely reflective & thus builds on your own experiences and memories as shown in the inverted pyramid in the "Reflective Writing" article. Try to use all three forms of writing described in that article (descriptive, personal, analytical).
      • We will get started with this in class today, in part to troubleshoot the ePortfolio system with James Pierce nearby to help.
      • Please complete this exercise by Friday. The due date has been added to the week 9 webpage after posting of the video overview for the week.
  3. (4:20) break
  4. (4:30) show & tell: vernacular projects (have a digital image of your building/case study/typology handy).
    1. Group 1
    2. Group 2
    3. Group 3
    4. Group 4
    5. Group 5
    6. Group 6
    7. Group 7
    8. a not-well-formatted list of the principles proposed by the whole class
  5. (5;00) reconvene: review group work & look ahead to next week
  6. (5:15) Journaling


Anna, Katellen, Ryan M., Lauren, Paige, Jason, Benjamin, Jesse, Brendon, TJ, Tess, Sierra, Kayli, Taylor, Nathan, & Chase

