Week Five

Reclining Chair (William Morris, 1866)


Practice & Options to It

This week we conclude our focused look at the narrow regulations about architectural practice and the wide capacities open for collaborating with other design disciplines.

The Week at a Glance

Before you proceed with this week, make sure to finish last week by:

  • writing (doing a mind-dump) in your personal journal for at least 15 minutes--distill the whole week into what seems most important to you
  • distilling what you wrote in your journal in the "Journaling" exercise for Week 04 on Blackboard 
    • note: include a scan or photo of your plan to licensure with this journal entry

To successfully complete this week of ARC 1015, follow these steps:

  • Watch an optional video overview of the coming week by clicking this link.

(1) Work through the narrative and activities that follow on this page, noting the following upcoming due dates.

  • Thursday: by groups, complete your "prep for test 1" Google docs (& watch your email for appearance of the study guide)
  • Monday: conclude preparations for test 1
  • NOTE: assignments are always due at 11:11 AM on the specified date--unless you receive specific directions otherwise

Special for Fall, 2020

Learning Objective

At the conclusion of this unit, you should be able to:

  • Articulate alternate approaches and options to practice in fields aligned with architecture [UNDERSTAND].

for Friday (11 AM)

Considering the Alternatives

Not everyone who studies for architecture, nor those who complete the degree stay in the profession forever. Attaining licensure itself is, after all, an option and not a requirement to work "in architecture:" but you must have it to legally call yourself an architect. Let's take a view at some alternate paths--not to send you away from our program, but to understand how many cross-over skills can be utilized in other fields. Read these articles, which represent a variety of points of view:

Now watch this video by Drew Paul Bell, who has a B.Arch. from Southern Polytechnic State U. (outside of Atlanta). He has a series of videos that pass along advice from his perspective of a relatively newly-licensed architect. In this one he is talking about some of the differences between architecture school and practice as an architect. Although his views might not represent every experience, he offers a realistic approach that is good to know sooner rather than later.

for Monday (11 AM)

Test Prep

By Monday night, you should be ready for the first test of the semester.

Ask questions if you have them!

  • regular drop-in zoom call Friday, Sept. 18, 10:30-12:00
  • Monday drop-in zoom call Monday, Sept. 21, 3:00-4:00
  • email

for Tuesday

Attend Class:

online (everybody*)

  1. (3:30) Log on to Zoom
    • keep zoom open for the duration of the test
    • keep the chat box visible on your screen as you are taking the test (in Blackboard)
    • if you have a question, ask a private question to Dr. Amundson
    • Dr. Amundson will make occasional announcements about time left and also if there is any need for clarification
  2. (3:35) BEGIN Test 1: history of practice & education; legal requirements for practice; definitions of profession/vocation/calling
  3. (4:20) break
  4. (4:30) Guests from associated professions
    1. Roy Hwang, Senior Design Manager (Seattle)
    2. Joni Williamson, Manger, Design Studio, Metro Planning Department (Nashville)
  5. (5:15) reflection on alternate career paths